14 August 2008


Don McGregor (left) moderating the forum on the politics of electricity which featured Greens MLC John Kaye (centre) and local power industry worker Rex Drummond (Right)

The forum on the science and technology of electricity was moderated by El Gibbs (left) and featured (left to right) Dr Mark Diesendorf from the University of NSW, local Climate Change campaigner Liz Bastian and electricity industry expert Simon Bolt.

All of the forum participants took part in a Q&A session with the 80 odd members of the audience.

PeoplePower Blue Mountains Press Release August 12

Over 80 people braved snowy conditions in Katoomba on August 10 to hear expert speakers outline problems, including privatisation and the impact of climate change, that threaten Blue Mountains electricity supplies.

Speakers including Dr Mark Diesendorf from the University of New South Wales, industry expert Simon Bolt and Greens MP Dr John Kaye rejected the need for a new base load generator, pointing to the need to address energy efficiency urgently to ensure that households and business can use less electricity as prices go up.

The panel pointed out the inefficiency of current power supplies, the risk of dependence on increasingly expensive carbon based power and the need for electricity to become sustainable.

"Change is inevitable," said Phil Doyle from PeoplePower Blue Mountains who co-sponsored the forum. "We learnt from the experts that we need to manage that change so the cost doesn't fall on households and businesses that are already under financial pressure, that means keeping power in publicly owned hands."

Local MP Phil Koperberg, who gave the keynote address, reaffirmed his opposition to the existing power privatisation proposal, and talked about the need for solutions to be found for a basic necessity in this day and age, electricity being something Blue Mountains households need to cook and keep warm with.

Out of the forum PeoplePower Blue Mountains is developing a Community Charter For The Future Of Electricity.

"There were some great solutions put forward, from energy bonds through to the development of micro-generators powered by renewable energy - these are initiatives that we as a community can push for," said Doyle "We look forward to seeing as many community members as possible involved in developing this charter, which will form the basis of where our electricity will be coming from in the future."

PeoplePower Blue Mountains welcomed a unanimous vote by Blue Mountains City Council to oppose power privatisation on a motion from councillor Terri Hamilton.

The community group will be writing to all declared Blue Mountains City Council election candidates for the asking them to keep electricity in full public ownership and to support initiatives that secured reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity.

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