31 July 2008

Update July 31

PeoplePower Blue Mountains - Update July 31

In this update:

  • Upcoming events
  • Campaign Update
  • Public Forum August 10
  • Super Saturday August 16
  • Penrith Show
  • PeoplePower Blog!
  • What you can do
  • Upcoming Events - August

    Tuesday 5 - People Power meeting, 7:30pm, upstairs, Blackburn’s Family Hotel. Come along and get involved as we gear up towards putting an end to the power privatisation proposal!

    Sunday 10 - Blue Mountains Public Forum on the Future of Electricity DETAILS BELOW!

    Saturday 16 - ‘Super Saturday’ anti-power privatisation street stalls - We need volunteers, email peoplepowerbm@gmail.com to be a part of securing your electricity future

    Saturday/Sunday August 30/31 - We have booked a stall at the Penrith Show on Saturday and Sunday the 30th and 31st of August. Rex Drummond is the contact person for this event and his number is 0439 581 413.

    Campaign update

    People Power Blue Mountains met on July 22 and discussed the upcoming forum and the broader campaign.

    The statewide campaign is gearing up for Super Saturday on August 16. At our meeting on August 5 we will be deciding whether to hold stalls in the Blue Mountains or to assist the campaign around Penrith/St Marys.

    Public Forum

    This will be held August 10th, from 1-4pm at Katoomba Civic Centre - the next People Power meeting on August 5 will continue the planning for this forum.

    We have confirmed speakers. They include energy expert Dr Mark Diesendorf from the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of NSW, prominent political campaigner against power privatisation, Dr John Kaye MLC and power industry worker and activist Rex Drummond. Further speakers are being finalised.

    We have A3 posters for the event and people interested in distributing them can contact via return email or call Phil on 0402 167 136.

    Especially useful would be people with access to an A3 photocopier so we can run off more black and white posters.

    Banners have been organised for Katoomba and Hazelbrook - the Hazelbrook one is already up and looks terrific! Well done to all concerned.

    We are planning to use the forum as a springboard for developing a charter on the future of our electricity/energy needs in the Blue Mountains. We can then lobby our elected representatives to adopt this charter.

    Super Saturday - August 16

    We will be making a decision about where we want to put our energy on this important day. A number of people have already volunteered but we could use more, so get in touch if you can help.

    Penrith Show

    We have booked a stall at the Penrith Show on Saturday and Sunday the 30th and 31st of August. Rex Drummond is the contact person for this event and his number is 0439 581 413.

    Local council elections

    We will be writing to all declared council election candidates asking them to support both our plebiscite and keeping electricity in full public ownership.

    People Power Blog!

    We now have our very own Blog, which is full of all the latest news on power privatisation. Check it out at http://peoplepowerbm.blogspot.com/

    More Good News!

    With Miranda Devine now supporting Power Privatisation we’re bound to win.


    What you can do

    Get involved now! Take action! Make a difference! The person that stands between Costa and Iemma and Power Privatisation is YOU.

    Things that you can do include:

    Tell Phil Koperberg you support his opposition to power privatisation

    Contact Phil Koperberg:

    Phone (02) 4751 3298
    Fax (02) 4751 1245

    Write to the Gazette

    It only takes a few minutes and has a BIG impact. You can email your letters to: editorial.bmgazette@ruralpress.com

    Letters to the Editor

    Blue Mountains Gazette

    274 Macquarie Road

    Springwood 2777

    “Let People Decide” Call On Power Privatisation

    “Let People Decide” Call On Power Privatisation

    Fresh from successfully stalling plans by the State Government to sell Electricity assets owned by the NSW public, local campaigners are calling on the decision to be taken to the people.

    “We were really pleased that Phil Koperberg came out in opposition to Costa’s ill thought out proposal,” said El Gibbs from PeoplePower Blue Mountains. “His principled stand sent a message from the ordinary people of the Blue Mountains that our power is not for sale.”

    Political commentators agreed that Koperberg’s public response was a major factor in Michael Costa taking privatisation off the table until September.

    “We’ve won a battle, but this is far from over,” said Gibbs. “It’s important that the people have a say on what is, after all, one fifth of what we own collectively in this state.”

    At a packed public meeting in Katoomba in late May Phil Koperberg floated the idea of a plebiscite on power privatisation, a suggestion that has been eagerly supported by local anti-power privatisation campaigners.

    “We didn’t get a say before the last state election, so the upcoming council elections provide a perfect opportunity for mountains residents to have their say and for Phil Koperberg to measure the community response to Michael Costa’s proposal,” said Gibbs.

    PeoplePower Blue Mountains is moving to develop a community-based response to the challenge of securing the future of local energy needs

    A forum has been scheduled for August 10 under the name of “Where Were You When The Lights Went Out” which is designed for people to get the latest information - scientific, economic, technical and political - on where our community stands on the future of energy.

    “We’re just ordinary people trying to find out the best and latest information on what this crisis means for the Blue Mountains,” said Gibbs. “We’ll be getting along some speakers that are really across these issues, and it is a great opportunity for people in the Blue Mountains to bring themselves up to speed on this issue.”

    The forum will run from 1pm to 4pm at Katoomba Civic Centre on Sunday August 10 and entry is free.


    For more information contact El Gibbs on 0419 290 788

    July 21 Update

    PeoplePower Blue Mountains - Update July 21

    In this update:

    - Upcoming events

    - Campaign Update

    - Public Seminar

    - Local council elections - Plebiscite on power privatisation

    - PeoplePower Blog!

    - Help Get Our Message Out

    - Write to the Gazette

    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 22 - People Power meeting, 7:30pm, upstairs, Blackburn’s Family Hotel. Come along and get involved as we gear up towards putting an end to the power privatisation proposal!


    Sunday 10 - Blue Mountains Public seminar about power sell off DETAILS BELOW!

    Saturday 16 - ‘Super Saturday’ anti-power privatisation street stalls: Katoomba, Blackheath, Springwood, Blaxland - We need volunteers, email peoplepowerbm@gmail.com to be a part of securing your electricity future


    Saturday 13 - Local council election

    Campaign Update

    Hi everyone

    People Power Blue Mountains met on June 8 and discussed three major issues.

    First was the public seminar idea, which is discussed below. Secondly we talked about helping out other parts of the campaign, especially in Western Sydney. Finally we talked about lobbying for a plebiscite to be conducted in conjunction with the council elections.

    Public Seminar

    This will be held August 10th, from 1-4pm at Katoomba Civic Centre - the next People Power meeting on July 22 will continue the planning for this forum.

    At this stage the structure is along the lines of:

    - A Keynote speaker

    - A forum on the science and technology around the future of energy, including experts on renewables, demand management and other technology.

    - A second forum on the politics and economics of our electricity supply so we can find out what we can do with the science.

    - Finally, a plenary forum where people can put their two bobs in of the back of what they’ve heard from the experts.

    This is a great opportunity to hear from the experts about what will be the future for our electricity supply. Post Garnaut, and with the threat of privatisation hanging over our 240volts, there has never been a better time to get informed about the future of this essential resource.

    Hopefully we can use the forum as a springboard for developing a charter on the future of our electricity/energy needs in the Blue Mountains. We can then lobby our elected representatives to adopt this charter.

    In the lead up to the forum El Gibbs is chasing speakers, while Don, Jules and Gerry are working on a banner. Posters are being organised and we are sending out a big call for people to help promote the event. Please get in touch if you can distribute posters and/or flyers.

    Local council elections

    We will be writing to all declared council election candidates asking them to support both our plebiscite and keeping electricity in full public ownership.

    People Power Blog!

    We now have our very own Blog, which will be being launched after tomorrow night’s meeting! Come along and find out more or stay tuned for the link!

    Getting Our Message Out

    Here is a copy of the release we sent out to local media following our last meeting

    Press release

    “Let People Decide” Call On Power Privatisation

    Fresh from successfully stalling plans by the State Government to sell Electricity assets owned by the NSW public, local campaigners are calling on the decision to be taken to the people.

    “We were really pleased that Phil Koperberg came out in opposition to Costa’s ill thought out proposal,” said El Gibbs from PeoplePower Blue Mountains. “His principled stand sent a message from the ordinary people of the Blue Mountains that our power is not for sale.”

    Political commentators agreed that Koperberg’s public response was a major factor in Michael Costa taking privatisation off the table until September.

    “We’ve won a battle, but this is far from over,” said Gibbs. “It’s important that the people have a say on what is, after all, one fifth of what we own collectively in this state.”

    At a packed public meeting in Katoomba in late May Phil Koperberg floated the idea of a plebiscite on power privatisation, a suggestion that has been eagerly supported by local anti-power privatisation campaigners.

    “We didn’t get a say before the last state election, so the upcoming council elections provide a perfect opportunity for mountains residents to have their say and for Phil Koperberg to measure the community response to Michael Costa’s proposal,” said Gibbs.

    PeoplePower Blue Mountains is moving to develop a community-based response to the challenge of securing the future of local energy needs

    A forum has been scheduled for August 10 under the name of “Where Were You When The Lights Went Out” which is designed for people to get the latest information - scientific, economic, technical and political - on where our community stands on the future of energy.

    “We’re just ordinary people trying to find out the best and latest information on what this crisis means for the Blue Mountains,” said Gibbs. “We’ll be getting along some speakers that are really across these issues, and it is a great opportunity for people in the Blue Mountains to bring themselves up to speed on this issue.”

    The forum will run from 1pm to 4pm at Katoomba Civic Centre on Sunday August 10 and entry is free.


    For more information contact El Gibbs on 0419 290 788


    Get involved now! Take action! Make a difference! The person that stands between Costa and Iemma and Power Privatisation is YOU.

    Things that you can do include:

    Tell Phil Koperberg you support his opposition to power privatisation

    Contact Phil Koperberg:

    Phone (02) 4751 3298
    Fax (02) 4751 1245

    Write to the Gazette

    It only takes a few minutes and has a BIG impact. You can email your letters to: editorial.bmgazette@ruralpress.com

    Or post them to:

    Letters to the Editor

    Blue Mountains Gazette

    274 Macquarie Road

    Springwood 2777

    Iemma's Dilemma

    The brilliant YouTube from a bunker in Macquarie Street. A must see, Click here to view.

    Mountains Message to Pollies - Don't Sell Our Power

    Mountains Message to Pollies - Don't Sell Our Power

    Members of People Power Blue Mountains took their message of
    opposition to the sale of NSW electricity assets to the ALP conference
    in Darling Harbour on Saturday morning.

    "We are determined to let the ALP delegates know how strong the
    community in the mountains feels about power privitisation and to
    support the delegates who voted against this regressive decision by Mr
    Iemma and Mr Costa," said People Power
    spokesperson, El Gibbs.

    Boarding the train at various stations going down the mountain,
    concerned Blue Mountains residents braved the morning chill to head to
    the big Stop the Sell Off rally outside the NSW ALP conference.
    Joining groups from all over NSW, including unions and environmental
    organisations, they unveiled their banner in front of the conference

    "There has been an enormous response to our petition, with hundreds of
    signatures collected at stalls in Blackheath, Katoomba, Springwood and
    Hazelbrook, in recent weeks.

    "Residents have spoken about their worry that electricity prices will
    increase, and that supply will become less reliable. There are also
    key questions about how a private electricity system will be able to
    address the practical realities of climate change," said Ms Gibbs.

    "We are happy that we were able to take these concerns and let all at
    the ALP conference know how our community is feeling on this issue."

    Members of PeoplePower Blue Mountains presented
    petitions to ALP delegates from the Blue Mountains
    urging them to oppose the selloff.

    Members of the community who are concerned about electricity
    privatisation are urged to contact PeoplePower Blue Mountains on 0419
    290 788 or email peoplepowerbm@gmail.com

    Interview with Bewn Kruse from the USU on 2UE

    Please see link below of Ben Kruse’s interview with 2UE’s Steve Price


    Beder Report into NSW Power Privatisation

    The very influential report by academic Sharon Beder into the NSW electricity privatisation proposal is available online here as a pdf file

    The Man from Snowjob River

    The Man from Snowjob River

    A Poem by Don Morison © Don Morison 2008 (http://unionsong.com/ )

    There are surges at the station
    For word has got around
    That someone thinks power's fit to privatise
    Pyremmia Eyemmia and his mate 'Too Mucha' Costa
    They're in this plot up to their scheming eyes

    Pyremmia Eyemmia? Yes - the man from Snowjob River
    Torrents of it flow each time he speaks
    With Treasury boffins greedier
    Time to confuse the media
    Hoodwink the public with selective leaks

    At Wang, Liddell and Piper
    They must outwit the viper
    Essential service! - Keep in public hands!
    Organise - don't falter
    This program must be altered
    Don't govern just for corporate demands!

    But 'Fancy Pants the Overpaid' is here to lend a hand
    He's been at public-private gigs before
    When our Premier hankers
    After deals with ... merchant bankers
    The public purse is set to end up poor

    And now the lights are dimming
    With all this budget-trimming
    The Man from Snowjob's blackout-prone this hour
    He's kept the 'Flintstones' shelfbound
    Along with all my other Dee-vee-dees
    Can't watch a thing when there's no power!

    Eyemmia and Costa
    They'll both be on a roster
    To meet the Pope in Sydney before long
    Spare diesel generation
    Could have an application
    When the Pope turns on his 'mike' to wow the throng

    But Murphy's Law's disruption
    A big power interruption!
    When the Pontiff lands at Mascot - wait and see
    He'll drop and smooch the ashphalt
    Then say some words quite heartfelt:
    "Oh Sydney's full of candles - just for me!"

    But the pollies are still wheeling
    They're ducking - and they're dealing
    However it turns out - there'll be no pride
    In Pyremmia Eyemmia
    And his private power dylemmia
    As the shock-jocks note the thickness of his hide!

    28 July 2008

    Energy Forum

    For more information, phone: 0402 167 136

    09 July 2008

    And so it starts...

    Here's our blog, guys. Comments and suggestions please.